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Exercise 1 - Property Expressions - ToUpper and ToLower

  1. Create the folder C:\PropertyExpressions on the OpCon Training Machine.
  2. Create a blank text file named PropertyExpressions.txt
  3. Create a Global Property for [[$SCHEDULE DATE mmm]]
  • Name: $SCHEDULE DATE mmm
  • Value: mmm
  1. Create a Schedule called Property Expressions.
  2. Create a Job named File Copy with the following parameters:
  • Job Type: Windows
  • Job Sub-Type: Command: File Copy
  • Primary Machine: SMATraining
  • User ID: Use Service Account
  • Source:
  • Destination:
C:\PropertyExpressions\PropertyExpressions_[[=ToUpper([[$SCHEDULE DATE mmm]])]].txt
  • Frequency: MON-FRI-N
  1. Copy the Job changing the following two things:
  • Source:
C:\PropertyExpressions\PropertyExpressions_[[=ToUpper([[$SCHEDULE DATE mmm]])]].txt
  • Destination:
C:\PropertyExpressions\PropertyExpressions2_[[=ToLower([[$SCHEDULE DATE mmm]])]].txt
  • Make the copied Job dependent on the first Job.
  1. Build the Schedule for today.
  2. Verify that the Job Finished OK (release the Schedule if necessary).
  3. Verify that the two files were created with the proper names.